From “writing online” to “the blog”
The past two years or so I have spent a lot of time on the “online-writing” band wagon.
The idea of writing where people already are to capture their attention - because that’s what you actually want - because attention is the new oil.
That’s what want, don’t you?
But wait, do you?
It sounds incredible making a living by “writing online”. But is that why you started writing?
After that time and countless discussions with myself I clearly can tell you: NO, NOT FOR ME.
Why did I start writing?
I started writing and blogging more than 10 years back.
I wanted to have a place where I can express my ideas and make sense of them. It was a mix of technology, productivity, later leadership and philosophy.
I wrote monthly reviews and made them public. On one hand to have public accountability. On the other to learn how to articulate my thoughts better.
Nothing of that had to do with getting attention.
But why did I then go into the rabbit hole of online writing?
The wrong rabbit hole for the wrong reason
To me it sounded cool talking about all stuff online and being an expert, bla, bla, bla.
But in the end it distracted me from my actual reason for writing (and blogging).
I write to make sense. For myself.
Welcome to the blog (again)
And that’s why I will go back to this small corner of the internet, rather than posting everyday on social media.
I will use this blog in the traditional sense of the word blog and write about what comes to my mind and what’s important to me, that may be leadership, tech, philosophy, maybe productivity.
Let’s see.
If this makes sense for you, great, welcome back!
If not maybe this quote will:
“I write because I don't know what I think until I read what I say.” ― Flannery O'Connor
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