After the people I've met, some books have had a major impact on me and how I see the world.
Here are some of my favorites.
Thinking in Systems
This books opened a new perspective on how to look at the world. Everything is a system and every part always influences the whole system.
Finite and Infinite Games
What's the goal? Do you play to win? Or do you play to continue playing? This book will question your perspective on how you approach life and business.
The absolute classic when it comes to understanding why some businesses work and some fail.
Ask Your Developer
Even if you are not a tech leader it pays to understand how a successful tech organization works.
Men's Work
The definitive guide for every men. Don't work against your shadow. Learn from your past.
The Coaching Habit
Coaching, to a certain extend, is an important skill for every leader. This books provides a simple framework that works.